

Not really feeling the blogging spirit move me today. I've got a conference call in 10 minutes with the printer bidding on the job for the project I'm working on. Then I get to reformat a 600 page multi-document book! I go from no work for months, to OHMYFRICKINGAWDIAMGONNALOSEMYMIND in a matter of days.

Tomorrow, I pack up our camping gear for the weekend to watch the boy participate in the Webelos Outdoor Challenge. One of the few events that I don't have to be "leading" and I can just enjoy being a parent of a Scout. The Boy Scout Troops not only conduct all of the activities, but they have to do all the cooking too!!! 

Next weekend, the plan is to visit home. Mom is rehabilitating from knee replacement surgery and if it goes well, she should be getting home just before we get up there. It's also the annual fall festival weekend and a good chance to see all my friends. The drive from Tennessee to Indiana is always a pleasant one, but I'm hoping for the early signs of fall colors. 

Ah well...time for the conference call! 

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